Do you see the adorable little penguin? He's(or she's?) so adorable!
I was on my way out of Korea (*sob*), and in the Incheon Airport (Seoul), shopping at the little Etude/Missha shop.
Where they upped the prices soooo much it was ridiculous!
But the little Lip gloss pot was so cute! It says hug me (which is odd...)
Plus it's an apple scent, I LOVE the smell of apple!!!! So I kinda overpaid for it.
Where they upped the prices soooo much it was ridiculous!
But the little Lip gloss pot was so cute! It says hug me (which is odd...)
Plus it's an apple scent, I LOVE the smell of apple!!!! So I kinda overpaid for it.
Inside, is this really hard lip cream. It's hard like pots of cocoa butter.... Which is not a bad thing, since it melts at body temp, and moisturizes really well.
It's really smooth.
The penguin is colorless, and with just the barest sheen.
It's the perfect texture to toss in a bag, for those days when I am chapped, or just dry, or planning on doing some kissing.....
The penguin is colorless, and with just the barest sheen.
It's the perfect texture to toss in a bag, for those days when I am chapped, or just dry, or planning on doing some kissing.....
Doesn't it sound wonderful???
I vaguely remember it being wonderful, but, I haven't been able to use it more than 3 times, because the cover sticks.
The little pot is made out of metal, and the top gets wedged on the bottom so firmly, I, even with a screw driver and pliers, can not get it open.
My Dad and Boyfriend, cannot get it open.
The stupid thing WILL NOT OPEN!!!!
I managed to get it open once after it got stuck, It just mysterious opened one day.....
But I couldn't leave it open, I had to put the top back on.
That was back in July.
I really wish I could open it.....
But I couldn't leave it open, I had to put the top back on.
That was back in July.
I really wish I could open it.....