Saturday, October 8, 2011

Foot pad healers from Sasa

Footpad Healers
Price : ranging from 1000won to $1.60
Hello, strange. Have you noticed I have an obession with weird beauty things? The foot pad healers are one of my more recent forays into the odd.
I picked up a few,  Kokubo- Aloma in Rose,a Germanium and heating one from Sasa,  and from Daiso, a "Natural Diet" one!

I was Backpacking in Cambodia, so I thought My feet would be sore. So I thought they would be worth a try.
Inside each packet are two little sachets. Inside is a powder/granules. One side being sticky. You peel off the cover, and stick a square on the bottom of each foot.
Then your feet begin to sweat, it's oddly uncomfortable. My feet weren't warm, but I had a strong urge to wash.
After ~10 minutes, the pads have dark spots, where the sweat has soaked into the pads. And then you take them off.
Except for the sweat, they didn't do anything.... I know that they are supposed to make your feet sweat, that's the point, but It's not like they made my feet feel more relaxed, or fresher, or helped with swelling.
They were sweaty then nothing...
It was odd.
The heating one was the best, since it did heat up, which could be nice.
Other wise, I can safely recommend a pass!