Monday, March 19, 2012

Etude House - Angel Kiss Lip and Cheek

Etude House - Angel Kiss Lip and Cheek

Price: 7500won (~$7.5)
Color : Darling Angel (Peach/pink)

Are you obsessed with cream blushes??? I am, they look so bright and young and fresh, and blend so easily! (that was a lot of 'ands')
But first the name.... Etude House - Angel Kiss Lip and Cheek in Darling Angel - That is a serious mouthful! Why in the world does the name need to be so loooooooooong!!!
I feel bad for the Koreans trying to translate it!
And the packaging.... eww. I'm not really into angel motifs. It's both too plain (just a clear jar with a pink cover and no style) and over designed (the useless 'angel wing' wrapper and the ugly picture on the cover.)

What do you think? I normally like Etude's packaging, even if it tends to be overly pink and frilly.

Inside, is ALOT of blush. For a cream blush. It's kind of huge, and deep.
It's also made of Glass, for anyone who wants to buy it, so it's kind of heavy to ship.

So the actual blush.
You can see that the color is a pale peach/pink. I used to be obsessed with peach/pink blushes, mostly because I had warmer toned skin and hair (I am am even paler now, if that's possible).
Now, I am not as keen on peach pink, because it doesn't work with my coloring. However this is a nice color. It is in between light pink  and peach, so it is a more flexible color, with good range. For a peach, it has a slightly cool tone. It applies a bit more peach than it appears.

The texture itself  is really nice, soft and creamy. It feels like one of those cream foundation compacts, as in thick and dense, but smooth and creamy.
It is also Super pigmented!!!!
It blends really well, but I have to be careful in application, its really easy to take too much. I have to use about 1/4 of what I would for a Canmake cream blush.  Again, it really does blend well, so just be careful!

So between the giant size, and the super pigmented, it's really good value for the money.
It also lasts well, for a cream blush. Better than I am used to.
oh.... and as a lip product - It's useless. But really when is a cheek product ever good on the lips? Really????

All in all, the product is really solid, I really want another color, maybe just pink!
